Scanlan Center for School Mental Health
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Fostering Emotional Intelligence through KCG Framework, Yoga, and Mindfulness

September 5, 2024
5:00-6:15 pm CST


Jordan Turner
Jordan Turner
Challenge to Change
Director of Mindful Education in Schools, BA Education, E-RYT, RCYT

Event Details

This webinar will give participants the who, what, and why of Emotional Intelligence. Then, we will foster that knowledge by diving into the Six Seconds framework of Know, Choose, Give while adding in tools of movement, breathwork, and SEL activities. Participants will walk away with practical tools that they can use for themselves and in their classroom to live and educate with more intention and purpose.

Learning Goals:

1. The learner will interpret what and why Emotional Intelligence impacts themselves and their learners.

2. The learner will develop and manipulate 5 mindful practices to help build their own Emotional Intelligence.

3. The learner will develop and manipulate 5 mindful practices to bring into their classroom to support students EQ.