Scanlan Center for School Mental Health
kids looking at cell phones

What Do We Do with Those Phones? The Impact of Cell Phones and Social Media On Our Children and Adolescents

November 13, 2023
5:00-6:30 pm CST
Professional Development


Chad Rose, Ph.D.
Chad Rose, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Special Education, University of Missouri
Mizzou Ed Bully Prevention Lab

Event Details

In this online presentation, we will discuss the online social involvement among school-aged youth. Specifically, we will unpack phone use, social media activity, associations with mental health and development, and intervention and supports to improve the overall outcomes for youth.

Learning Goals:

1. Understand the impact of phone use and social media on the mental and social health among youth,

2. Recognize warning signs associated with detrimental electronic usage, and

3. Identify strategies and interventions for supporting mental health and social development among school-aged youth.