Scanlan Center for School Mental Health
Colored pencils
Skill Development
Teaching & Learning
Supporting Mental Health in Children with Autism
By Emily Shearer, MA

April is World Autism Month! To create an understanding and inclusive classroom environment, it is important to consider the various supports needed by students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specifically, autistic children have unique needs when it comes to the area of mental health. One important thing to consider is that there are two common […]

Educator Wellness
Teaching & Learning
What to Do When Students Have Experienced Trauma
By Tara Tedrow

Have you ever looked at a student or asked them a simple question and it just set them off? Then for the next week, you replay the interaction in your head a million times, trying to figure out what it was you said or did that made them angry? The answer, while deep and hidden from […]

Teaching & Learning
Mindfulness in the Classroom: Tips & Tricks for Teachers
By Kaitlin Poock, LMSW

Tips for teachers to make mindfulness in the classroom seem a little more doable. Learn 8 step-by-step activities for different grade levels.

Teaching & Learning
How to Foster Creativity and Mental Wellness in the Classroom
By Claire McCall

Studies have shown the profound impact of creativity on students’ mental health and well-being. So, how can educators better facilitate the exploration and development of students’ capacity for imagination? Here are 3 ways to help you cultivate creativity in your K-12 classroom.

Educator Wellness
Managing Winter Break Transitions: Promoting Wellness for Self and Students
By Tevin Middleton, Certified Professional School Counselor, NCC

As an educator, winter break can be both a time of worry for your students and a much needed time off for yourself. Tevin Middleton, NCC shares 5 strategies to help your students ease into the long break (and back into the school routine) while still prioritizing your own wellness.

Educator Wellness
Please release the hamster: 8 tips for changing your routine
By Kelly Vinquist, Ph.D., BCBA

Step off the hamster wheel and find those precious moments for self-care. Dr. Kelly Vinquist shares 8 tips to help educators find their happy and be present.