Past Events
Clinical Services
Professional Development
Special Event
Research Lunch Series
February 23, 2023
Research Lunch Series #4
Special Event
You are invited to learn about current research being conducted by affiliated faculty for the Scanlan Center for School Mental Health.  Presentation #1  “Academic, clinical, and psychosocial profiles for high ability youth with obsessive compulsive disorder”  ·          Megan Foley Nicpon, Ph.D. | Director, Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, Professor in Counseling Psychology, University of […]
Episode #5
February 22, 2023
Episode #5 – We are Professionals! Educator Compensation, Retention, and Attrition in the Workforce 
Learning and Training Opportunity
Professional Development
Educators are voicing strong concerns about their occupational and financial health. You don’t have to look far to encounter a report that indicates educators are communicating increased levels of stress and anxiety related to the demands of their jobs, and the limited financial compensation and professional support they receive. During this episode, Mary Jane Cobb, Executive […]
Teacher working with three students
February 20, 2023
Webinar – An Overview of PBIS Tier 2 Systems, Data & Practices
Learning and Training Opportunity
Although the tendency when focusing on Tier 2 is to discuss interventions, it is equally important to understand the systems and data that support those practices. In this session, we will learn how these three things—systems, data, and practices—work together to effectively support students’ targeted social, emotional, and behavioral needs. 
Teacher helping student
February 18, 2023
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Learning and Training Opportunity
Professional Development
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 12-18.  Mental Health First Aid certification, which must be renewed every three years, teaches participants to: Recognize the potential risk factors and warning […]
Kids sitting in a classroom
February 16, 2023
Webinar – Foundations for Establishing Bully-Free Classrooms
Learning and Training Opportunity
In this online presentation, we will learn about the foundations for establishing bully-free classrooms and schools. Topics introduced will include defining bullying and associated roles, predictive and protective factors, warning signs, and intervention recommendations.
Student fist bumping teacher while getting off of bus
February 9, 2023
Webinar – Level 1: Intro to Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)-Informed Skills
Learning and Training Opportunity
Professional Development
THIS WEBINAR IS NOW FULL. This introductory session will be an overview of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.  What is it?  How is it used? What’s the research say?   One practitioner shares her experience with DBT in the classroom, in one-on-one sessions with students, with small groups, and in her personal life.  Participants will leave the session […]