Past Events
Affiliate/Partner Event
Learning and Training Opportunity
Research Lunch - Web Preview (2)
March 21, 2024
School Mental Health Research Lunch
You are invited to enjoy a free lunch while learning about current research promoted by the Scanlan Center for School Mental Health. Presentation #1 “Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in K-12 Schools”  Presentation #2 “Adolescent Alcohol Use Disorder“ Presentation #3 “Fostering Resilient Rural Elementary Schools Through an Evidence-Based, Multicomponent System Supporting Teachers and Students […]
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March 21, 2024
Mindfulness in the Elementary Classroom
Learning and Training Opportunity
Professional Development
This presentation will walk participants through five, research-tested mindfulness practices to use with elementary students including Check-In, Breath Work, Movement, Guided Mindfulness Practice, and Close of Practice. Through interactive practices, participants will learn about each mindfulness practice, and how they can be combined into a lesson and separated into short brain breaks. Participants will also […]
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March 19, 2024
Cultivating Vitality Through Acceptance and Commitment
Learning and Training Opportunity
Professional Development
Using empirically supported strategies, Dr. Thomas will apply relevant skills from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to Iowa educators. The three trainings will focus on three core skills: 1) Acting on one’s personally chosen values – identifying what matters and pursuing these values via consistent action. 2) Developing awareness of one’s internal and external world […]
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March 5, 2024
Bullying Prevention: What Every Educator Needs to Know
Learning and Training Opportunity
Professional Development
Bullying remains a pervasive problem among school-aged youth. Therefore, educators are tasked with the responsibility to identify, intervene, and reduce bullying within their classrooms and schools. In this session, bullying prevention will be addressed through a multi-tiered lens. Specifically, this session will highlight the defining characteristics of bullying, provide an overview of predictive and protective […]
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February 29, 2024
Growing Kids By Growing Plants: Horticultural Therapy and the Benefits of Environmental Learning on Youth Mental Health
Learning and Training Opportunity
Professional Development
This learning session will introduce you to the basics of horticultural therapy, and approaches/strategies that can be incorporated within the school environment and beyond. We will discuss the benefits of this therapeutic approach, and share practical tips for embedding this approach into your existing work. We’ll present information and case studies from our youth-led urban […]
February 24, 2024
“SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age” Documentary Viewing and Conversation
Special Event
K-12 parents, educators, and community members, join us on Saturday, February 24 from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Iowa City, Iowa for a full viewing and facilitated discussion of the documentary SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in The Digital Age. An award-winning film that probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over […]