two students sitting in desks
Upcoming Events
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Higher Education
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Image: holding hands
December 12, 2023 - September 30, 2024
LivingWorks Start Online Training
Learning and Training Opportunity
Claim your free code now! In just 90 minutes online, LivingWorks Start will train you to recognize when someone may be thinking about suicide and how to connect them to help and support. Start is an evidence-based, entry program into suicide alertness, so that everyone can play a role in preventing suicide. Leave this training […]
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September 18, 2024 - October 9, 2024
Working with Students in Distress Master Class
Higher Education
A Scanlan Center for School Mental Health workshop for college/university faculty and staff You are in your office, thinking about an interaction with a student that leaves you troubled. Many things are running through your mind. Is this a big deal? Should I call someone about this? Can I help this student myself? Should I […]
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September 19, 2024 - October 10, 2024
Working with Students in Distress Master Class
Higher Education
A Scanlan Center for School Mental Health workshop for college/university faculty and staff You are in your office, thinking about an interaction with a student that leaves you troubled. Many things are running through your mind. Is this a big deal? Should I call someone about this? Can I help this student myself? Should I […]
Students sitting in circle
October 2, 2024
Self-Care for Pre-Service Teachers
In this session, participants will explore the meaning of self-care and related concepts, such as wellness. Participants will work on crafting a wellness plan in three key ways. First, participants will explore their core values through an activity. Second, participants will take an online wellness inventory. Third, participants will write down one SMART wellness goal. […]
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October 10, 2024
Fostering Emotional Intelligence through KCG Framework, Yoga, and Mindfulness
This webinar will give participants the who, what, and why of Emotional Intelligence. Then, we will foster that knowledge by diving into the Six Seconds framework of Know, Choose, Give (KCG) while adding in tools of movement, breath work, and SEL activities. Participants will walk away with practical tools that they can use for themselves […]
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October 22, 2024
From Data to Action: Supporting Students with Behavioral and Mental Health Challenges
Data-based decision making is a critical part of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), but what does problem solving look like in the context of youth behavior and mental health? In this webinar from the National Center on Intensive Intervention, presenters will share strategies for data-based decision making and problem solving for youth behavior and […]
Group of adults sitting at classroom tables
October 24, 2024
“Snackable Skills” Workshop: QPR Training
Higher Education
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is a suicide-prevention training designed to educate people from all walks of life how to recognize the warning signs of suicide. QPR training helps people get comfortable asking the question “Are you thinking about suicide?” and then helping others get appropriate help. QPR training lasts about one hour, and is designed […]
Girl reading a book
October 29, 2024
M is for Mindfulness
One of the best ways to address the social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs of your future students is to practice mindfulness. During this session, we will learn how practicing daily mindfulness can help your future students connect to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We will practice several specific mindfulness strategies, such as guided […]