Nominators will need to provide testimonials and specific examples about the nominee’s impact, including:
1. Why is the nominee deserving of this award? (e.g., What leadership skills and qualities do they possess? How have they been a catalyst for change and a source of inspiration for school-based mental health?) Max 1000 words
2. Provide at least 3-5 specific examples of their efforts and dedication to cultivating or promoting a positive mental health culture within an Iowa PreK-12 school, district, or AEA. (e.g., What goals have they set out to achieve around school mental health? What innovative ideas have they brought forth? What evidence-based actions and best practices has the nominee taken or implemented to champion school-based mental health?) Max 1000 words
3. What impact has the nominee’s efforts had on people, policies, or programs? (e.g., What do colleagues, students, and community members have to say about their efforts and impact? Feel free to include quotes/testimonials. What results and outcomes has their work yielded?) Max 1000 words
Nominators are also encouraged to submit any supporting documentation (i.e., news articles, blog posts, photos, videos, reports, research, links, etc.) that showcases the nominee’s impact.