A Podcast Just for K-12 Educators

Dr. Kari Vogelgesang hosts nationally recognized experts who help us explore and reflect on various dimensions of health and well-being. Take away strategies and tips to transcend wellness knowledge and practices into your classroom or school.

Latest episodes

Educator Wellness Podcast episode cover

Educators and Parents Unite! The Power of Strong School-Family Collaborations (Season 3, Episode 5)

Dr. Megan Olivia Hall joins us to discuss how to build strong family-educator relationships, and why they're so necessary for thriving learning environments.
Educator Wellness Podcast

Alone Together: Navigating Loneliness in Education (Season 3, Episode 4)

Discover how loneliness impacts health and learn practical strategies for building meaningful social connections in educational settings, with insights from Foundation for Social Connection's Jillian Racoosin.
Educator Wellness Podcast

The Attendance Crisis: Tackling School Avoidance, Together (Season 3, Episode 3)

Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, a renowned expert on school avoidance, joins us to discuss root causes of school avoidance, how the pandemic reshaped attendance norms, and innovative approaches to tackle this urgent issue.

Don't miss an episode!

Prioritize YOUR wellness to better care for your students and yourself.




Educator Wellness Podcast

Want to earn IRLU for listening to the podcast?

Watch, listen, and reflect on each of the 8 episodes in Season 3 of the Educator Wellness Podcast to earn 1 Iowa Licensure Renewal Credit (IRLU)! 

This course has been designed to bring together education professionals across the state of Iowa to learn about the importance of educator wellness and its connection to social-emotional-behavioral health (SEBH). Topics this season include collective action in K-12 education, finding your authentic teaching voice, school avoidance, advancing social connection, strong family-educator relationships, nourishing student minds through nutrition, tackling burnout, and the intersection of youth physical activity and mental health.