Recent Findings: Critical Research Projects
Check out recent findings in school mental health research funded by the Scanlan Center. These funded faculty engaged in a competitive application process and were awarded funding for a half-time graduate research assistant for one year to support their work. Below are the abstracts summarizing the findings for each project.

Analysis of Unstructured Data to Identify Student Support Needs
The purpose of this study was to better understand the possible educational applications of artificial intelligence techniques. The team employed a three-step data labeling process that used previously identified mental health symptoms, natural language processing, and reliability and validity feedback from content experts.

Assessment Literacy for School Mental Health Professionals: A Literature Review and Recommendations for Training Materials
The purpose of this project was to determine the state of assessment literacy training mental health professionals are provided and to develop an outline of a workshop for assessment literacy professional development.

COVID Impacts on the Transition to College and Student Mental Health
This study explored factors related to mental health and the adjustment to college among students who transitioned from high school to college during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Iowa School Psychologists Needs Assessment to Determine Current Social-Emotional-Behavioral Health Supports
This research identified the capacity of school psychologists to address SEBH in their environments and to build the foundation for timely and effective professional development.

School Counselor Suicide Intervention Needs: A National Survey
This study assessed the needs of practicing school counselors regarding their schools’ policies and use of suicide risk assessment tools or protocols as well as their perceptions of these tools and protocols.

School of the Wild Project
The research team assessed the current practices at the University of Iowa’s School of the Wild program to determine how social-emotional learning (SEL) outcomes were being addressed and alignment with CASEL and Iowa SEL competencies.