A Scanlan Center for School Mental Health workshop for college/university faculty and staff

Resilience is not a bottomless resource. Many things can tap your resilience and leave you feeling that you do not have more to give. To fill our wells of resilience, we often need to turn inward, engage in our own self-care, and simply let go and relax. 

This workshop engages participants in:

  1. Guided meditation
  2. Deep breathing
  3. Gentle music
  4. Space to not think or care about anyone but yourself for an hour!

You are never alone! There are partners to support you in finding campus mental health and well-being resources.

Training Details 

  • ModalityIn-person (preferred), hybrid, or virtual
  • Length60 minutes
  • Training Capacity: To be determined 
  • Presenter: Barry Schreier, Ph.D., Director of Higher Education Programming, Scanlan Center for School Mental Health; Clinical Professor of Counseling Psychology, University of Iowa College of Education 

Interested in hosting a workshop for your faculty/staff?

Submit an interest form, and our team will be in touch soon.