Nourish your mind.

With virtual and in-person learning, we meet you where you are. Current learning opportunities are designed for PreK-12 education and youth-serving professionals, including but not limited to in-service and pre-service teachers, administrators, school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, paraeducators, and school nurses. Iowa educators can earn Iowa Licensure Renewal Units through select training. 

Upcoming Events

Educator Well-Being: Skill for Empowerment  promotional image

Educator Well-Being: Skill for Empowerment

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register here.  BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH Presenter: Ryan Kidder, Behavioral Health Clinician, Scanlan Center for School Mental Health Description: During this presentation, educators, school mental health professionals, para-educators and administrators will learn the rationale behind using skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy to enhance well-being. Participants will enhance their understanding of mindfulness skills, self-care skills, and will learn a skill in order to be...
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Supporting Yourself and Others in K-12 Education promotional image

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Supporting Yourself and Others in K-12 Education

Monday, February 17, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH Presenter: Barry Schreier, Scanlan Center for School Mental Health Description: As K-12 educators, we set the bar high for ourselves, often striving for perfection in our teaching, leadership, and support roles. While these high standards can drive excellence, they can also lead to feelings of self-doubt and the belief that we’re not good enough, not deserving enough, or not doing enough — hallmarks of imposter syndrome. The performance-driven...
Great Educators are Active Listeners: How to Help Your Students Feel Heard promotional image

Great Educators are Active Listeners: How to Help Your Students Feel Heard

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH Description: Are you an active listener? Active listening is a skill that we can all invest more time in developing, especially as educators. Being a better listener means more meaningful relationships with our students (and even colleagues, friends, and family!). One of the ways to be an active listener is to learn about and practice microskills. In this workshop, we will (1) discuss what microskills are, (2) learn about 3 microskills, and (3)...
LivingWorks safeTALK promotional image

LivingWorks safeTALK

Monday, February 24, 2025 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Lindquist Center
Please register here. This is a fee-based event but free to University of Iowa students in the Teacher Education Program. BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH (2 credits) *University of Iowa TEP students: please reach out to for the non-fee registration link. Registration deadline for TEP students is one week prior to the workshop. Cancelation deadline is 48 hours prior to the workshop by emailing If TEP students cancel less than 48 hours, they will be assessed the registration...
Classroom Belonging Audits: Analyzing the Spectrum of Belonging promotional image

Classroom Belonging Audits: Analyzing the Spectrum of Belonging

Tuesday, February 25, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here. BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH Presenter: Jeff Walls, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership Description: A widespread sense of belonging at school is essential for a healthy school culture, academic success, and healthy peer and adult relationships for students. The gateways of belonging exist along a spectrum from inflexible to highly flexible. The purpose of this session is to introduce attendees to a spectrum-based understanding of belonging, and share a tool to...
Broaching Mental Health Concerns with our Students promotional image

Broaching Mental Health Concerns with our Students

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here. BTLC Credits: IS, SEBMH Presenter: Ashley Banta, MA, LPSC, Counseling Psychology PhD Student  Description: Participants will learn how to identify signs of mental health concerns, such as anxiety and depression. Participants will also learn how to broach mental health and respond with empathy. Participants will engage in simulations to practice broaching mental health and responding with empathy. Learning Goals: 1) Define common signs of mental health concerns. 2) Learn...
Trauma Informed Relationship Building: Connection Supports Success promotional image

Trauma Informed Relationship Building: Connection Supports Success

Monday, March 3, 2025 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Please register hereBTLC Credits: IS, SEBMH Presenter(s): Mary Ball, Scanlan GA, MA, LPSC, Couple and Family Therapy PhD Student Description: Connection with others and a sense of genuine belonging is essential for student success and engagement. Relationship building practices are therefore a foundational component within a trauma-informed framework that aims to support students affected by trauma. This professional development will review the impacts and prevalence of trauma, explore the...
In-Person: Understanding Adolescent Self-Harm and School-Based Interventions promotional image

In-Person: Understanding Adolescent Self-Harm and School-Based Interventions

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 5:00pm to 6:15pm
Please register hereBTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH Presenter: Ryan Kidder, Behavioral Health Clinician, Scanlan Center for School Mental Health Description: During this in-person presentation, participants will gain an understanding of the function of self-harm behaviors and why individuals engage in self-harm behaviors. Participants will gain knowledge and understanding of how skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy can be beneficial when working with individuals who engage in non-suicidal self...
Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students promotional image

Supporting the Social-Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Students

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register here.  BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH, UI REACH Presenter: Alissa Doobay, Director, Clinical Services, Scanlan Center for School Mental Health and Clinical Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology Description: Students presenting with both high cognitive/academic ability and a disability (e.g., Autism, ADHD, Learning Disorder) are referred to as “twice exceptional.” This population presents with a unique set of social-emotional needs due to their asynchronous development and...
Supporting Students Through Grief and Loss promotional image

Supporting Students Through Grief and Loss

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Please register hereBTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH Presenter: Liz Gleason, Social Worker and Sam McVancel, Licensed Psychologist, Scanlan Center for School Mental Health Description: Participants will be provided psychoeducation on grief, including different types of grief, common symptoms of grief, and how grief can manifest differently across people. Strategies that educators can use to support students who are experiencing grief and loss will be reviewed. Learning Goals: 1) Define aspects of...