Scanlan Center for School Mental Health
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Nurture Your Well-Being

July 26, 2024
9:00-11:00 am CST
In-Person N116 Lindquist Center, BTLC Professional Development Area, Iowa City, Iowa
Professional Development


Meredith Caskey
Meredith Caskey
Physical Activity, Health & Wellness - University of Iowa College of Education
Sun & Bird Yoga LLC Movement & Mindfulness

Event Details

This in-person workshop is designed for PreK-12 educators and youth-serving professionals.

This event will start outside at Gibson Square (space across from the Lindquist Center) for about 15 minutes of walking meditation, writing time, and breath work exercises.

We will then move indoors to Lindquist for 75 minutes and participate in mindful movement, a progressive relaxation, and a final writing time followed by farewells. Note: Please wear comfy clothes for movement, bring a water bottle to stay hydrated, writing utensils to journal with and a yoga mat.

Learning Goals:

1. Participants will take well-being techniques taught in the online course and apply them to our in-person practice to strengthen healthy habits.

2. Build on the mindfulness exercises that we tried in the online course by participating in additional movement sequences, a guided relaxation, and thoughtful reflection.